Here is a self-help technique that really helps you focus on and achieve your weight-loss goals. Gurus have espoused the art of detachment as a way of turning your dreams into reality. Usually they associate this technique with lofty goals such as perfecting human relationships or achieving spiritual harmony. I have news for you – it works for your weight-loss ambitions too. You should not make the mistake of believing that detachment is easy. In fact it is the hardest step to manifesting what you want. The harsh reality is that most people fail in their endeavors due to an inability to let go of their presumptions and believe utterly that what they want will come true. Call it faith if you like. But if you can detach from your fear of a negative outcome you will achieve fantastic results.
Have you noticed that sometimes you have an idle and relaxed thought about something or someone and the next thing that person or thing pops up in your life? Say for instance you wonder what happened to an old school friend. You aren’t worried about it, just inquisitive. You give it some thought and then carry on with your life. Often, very often, the friend pops up out of nowhere, saying they were thinking about you and decided to track you down so you can get together and reminisce about old times. Or maybe you wonder casually where you can find an oak tree to plant in your garden. And then you drive past a plant nursery and there is a big sign saying. Special on Garden Oaks, Hundreds in Stock. This happens to us daily and we think of it as coincidence. Actually this is the art of manifesting in action.
Essentially detachment means applying this kind of idle and unworried approach to everything we do, including losing weight. You simply have to lose the worry, the anxiety, and the fear. All you will be doing is cutting yourself off from the illusion of what tomorrow may bring. If you can do that you are on the way to manifesting your trim new body. Right now everything you are feeling is creating your reality. So how do you detach from your heart’s desire so that it can manifest? The key to it is to let go of the notion that what you want is absolutely necessary in your life. In fact nothing is necessary if you really want it. It sounds paradoxical and it is. It also happens to be the truth.
Let’s face it. You want to lose weight but there are thousands of other paths you could have taken. Your weight-loss ambition is a fairly arbitrary choice. The universe does not depend on it. Not even you or your family depends on it. So center yourself, find out where you are right now, find the beauty of the moment, and understand your weight-loss ambitions for what they are. They are subsidiary to the issue of being alive in the now. Here are a couple of steps to assist you in looking at your life, and your weight-loss ambitions, in a completely new light. Write down your thoughts in a notebook. It concentrates the mind wonderfully and brings previously suppressed thoughts to the surface of your consciousness.
1. Find the beauty in everything, even the unpleasant and difficult parts of your world.
2. Contemplate all the good things that have resulted from hard and unpleasant situations in your life.
3. Analyze your current experience to find qualities that will enhance what you intend to manifest. Visualize the positive outcome.
4. Once you have identified the beauty and abundance of your current situation, only then will you be able to change the situation and manifest. Concentrate on this.
5. Face up to your experiences. Do not suppress the things that have happened or are happening. This is what gets you stuck in a rut and this is poison to manifestation.
6. Every cloud has a silver lining. It is darkest before dawn. These clichés are based in a timeless truth. The greatest good comes out of the most trying of circumstances. That is why you should revel in hardship and difficulty.
7. Realize that you are rooted in your circumstances as they are today. They are molding you for tomorrow’s reality. So bless all parts of your life and you will be astonished to see what happens to the dreams you are trying to manifest.
Have you noticed that sometimes you have an idle and relaxed thought about something or someone and the next thing that person or thing pops up in your life? Say for instance you wonder what happened to an old school friend. You aren’t worried about it, just inquisitive. You give it some thought and then carry on with your life. Often, very often, the friend pops up out of nowhere, saying they were thinking about you and decided to track you down so you can get together and reminisce about old times. Or maybe you wonder casually where you can find an oak tree to plant in your garden. And then you drive past a plant nursery and there is a big sign saying. Special on Garden Oaks, Hundreds in Stock. This happens to us daily and we think of it as coincidence. Actually this is the art of manifesting in action.
Essentially detachment means applying this kind of idle and unworried approach to everything we do, including losing weight. You simply have to lose the worry, the anxiety, and the fear. All you will be doing is cutting yourself off from the illusion of what tomorrow may bring. If you can do that you are on the way to manifesting your trim new body. Right now everything you are feeling is creating your reality. So how do you detach from your heart’s desire so that it can manifest? The key to it is to let go of the notion that what you want is absolutely necessary in your life. In fact nothing is necessary if you really want it. It sounds paradoxical and it is. It also happens to be the truth.
Let’s face it. You want to lose weight but there are thousands of other paths you could have taken. Your weight-loss ambition is a fairly arbitrary choice. The universe does not depend on it. Not even you or your family depends on it. So center yourself, find out where you are right now, find the beauty of the moment, and understand your weight-loss ambitions for what they are. They are subsidiary to the issue of being alive in the now. Here are a couple of steps to assist you in looking at your life, and your weight-loss ambitions, in a completely new light. Write down your thoughts in a notebook. It concentrates the mind wonderfully and brings previously suppressed thoughts to the surface of your consciousness.
1. Find the beauty in everything, even the unpleasant and difficult parts of your world.
2. Contemplate all the good things that have resulted from hard and unpleasant situations in your life.
3. Analyze your current experience to find qualities that will enhance what you intend to manifest. Visualize the positive outcome.
4. Once you have identified the beauty and abundance of your current situation, only then will you be able to change the situation and manifest. Concentrate on this.
5. Face up to your experiences. Do not suppress the things that have happened or are happening. This is what gets you stuck in a rut and this is poison to manifestation.
6. Every cloud has a silver lining. It is darkest before dawn. These clichés are based in a timeless truth. The greatest good comes out of the most trying of circumstances. That is why you should revel in hardship and difficulty.
7. Realize that you are rooted in your circumstances as they are today. They are molding you for tomorrow’s reality. So bless all parts of your life and you will be astonished to see what happens to the dreams you are trying to manifest.