If you are wondering how to naturally produce collagen protein within your body, you need only supply the necessary tools. You can do that by eating the right foods, taking nutritional supplements or applying a nourishing cream. You might even want to do all three. So, here’s a look at each one.
Eating Right
Collagens are the main proteins found in connective tissue, throughout the human body. Think of any organ or bodily system and some part of it, or something that helps to hole it in place, is composed of that connective tissue.
The connective tissue that is most important to the skin’s health and appearance is found in the dermis layer, approximately 4-5 layers beneath the skin’s surface. We usually refer to them as the skin’s elastic fibers. They can become deteriorated or damaged by disease, age, free radical damage and inflammation. The production of new fibers naturally declines with age.
Here’s how to naturally produce collagen protein within the body. Eat more protein-rich foods and be sure to get enough vitamin C. Many “diet doctors” recommend fish, especially salmon, to improve the skin’s firmness and reduce wrinkles. But, without vitamin C, the elastic fibers will be weak. If you’re not a big fruit eater, be sure to take a supplement.
Nutritional Supplements with Proven Benefits
Vitamin C is not the only supplement important to the skin’s health. Research has shown that a fish oil supplement improves the skin’s firmness by 10% over the course of three months. Supplements containing fish and soy protein have been shown to improve the skin’s structure and firmness, as well.
It is difficult for researchers to determine if supplementation is a factor in how to naturally produce collagen protein within the body. But, they can measure the effect of nourishing creams.
Nourishing Creams
After the application of creams containing bioactive keratin, another kind of protein, researchers have seen a 40% improvement in the skin’s firmness after only 18 days of use. Keratin is a protein complex that includes amino acids, copper and zinc. This complex has been shown to stimulate the production of new cells and fibers.
Researchers have concluded that the use of keratin-rich creams is how to naturally produce collagen protein and elastin, the other primary component of the skin’s elastic fibers. Because keratin creams stimulate the production of new cells, it improves the skin’s thickness, making it harder to damage.
As mentioned above, skin cell production and the production of elastic fibers decreases with age. Those are two of the causes of an age appearance. One of the other primary causes of wrinkles, sagging, age spots and similar issues, is free radical damage.
You may have heard of free radicals, because scientists are constantly talking about the molecules. The body’s natural defense against free radical damage is the antioxidant.
Make no mistake about it. Using antioxidant-rich creams might not be how to naturally produce collagen protein, but it will help reduce wrinkles. Now that you know a little more about the skin’s cells and fibers, you might want to learn about the importance of antioxidants. Your skin can look younger. There’s no doubt about it.
To learn more about vitamins for healthy skin, and other incredible natural substances for natural healthy skin care, visit my website today.