Here are just a few basic nutritional guidelines that you can apply today to start eating a healthy balanced diet full of all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients your body needs for optimal wellbeing. If used with a regular plan of exercise you can lose fat, increase your energy levels and give you a better sense of wellness.
1. Eat healthy, high-fiber and low-sugar complete foods such as lean protein (lean beef, chicken , & fish), colorful fruits & vegetables (oranges, apples, raspberries, broccoli peppers, asparagus the list goes on), nuts (almonds, cashews, & walnuts), and whole grains (oatmeal and multi-grain bread)
2. Food choices should include a large nutrient-to-calorie ratio. Some examples of this approach include, consuming a piece of whole fruit instead of drinking fruit-flavored beverages, eating green vegetables instead of potatoes, and snacking on nuts instead of potato chips.
3.Try to eat 3 modest meals and 2-3 small snacks each day rather than 2-3 large meals. To achieve this goal an element of forward planning will be necessary . Eat quickly after waking up, and then every 3-4 hours thereafter until you go to bed. Smaller, more regular meals help you use all nutrients better, retain more vitamins, and control your blood sugar levels. Controlling your blood sugar is a key to avoiding hunger and fatigue
4. In your daily diet try to incorporate sufficient portions of good quality lean protein. Your choices include lean beef, chicken breasts, turkey breasts, salmon, low-fat cottage cheese and other low-fat dairy products. Nutritionists advise eating between 0.6 and 1.0 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.
5. Follow the Rainbow Diet. The only rule here is to eat as many diverse colors of fruits and vegetables as you can. The nutrients in each fruit and vegetable are usually linked to its color as well. You ought to consume far more than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Experts propose 2-3 pieces of fruit per day and at least 5 servings of vegetables per day (such as broccoli, peppers, asparagus, etc.). Vegetables and fruits will give you numerous nutrients including fiber, vitamins, minerals, and many phyto-nutrients that simply do not exist in other foods.
6. Avoid drinking your calories – keep away from soda and sugary drinks. Limit your alcohol intake. Each shot of alcohol, glass of beer or wine is about 150 calories. If you add a mixer to the drink, this can take the amount of calories to between 300-1000 calories per drink. It’s very easy to see how alcohol intake can cause fat gain. Restricting your alcohol and sugary beverage intake will help you lose pounds of fat in a very short time.
7. Drink 12 cups (3 liters) of water per day, consumed over the course of the day and during exercise. For every pound of bodyweight that is lost during exercise, it is suggested that exercisers should drink two cups. Water also helps with the fat burning process, as it flushes all the toxins that build in the body making sure your kidneys are able to work efficiently. If the kidneys are working well then your liver does not get involved with this process and can concentrate on its own jobs one of which is burning stored fat for energy
8.Don’t try to change everything at once. Aim for 2-3 improvements each week. For example, in week 1, reduce your soda intake and add 1 new fruit to breakfast each morning.
Applying all of these tips or just a handful of them can really make a difference when trying to drop fat or looking to feel better. A good balanced diet is more than just about improving your appearance it is vital to maintain a healthy functioning body and mind. Following a good balanced diet can help to prevent illness, slow down aging, stay active, combat stress and boost vitality. With these sort of benefits isn’t it time you changed your eating habits ...your body will thank you for it.