If you suffer from back pain you certainly would not think about acupuncture as a treatment until you have exhausted lots of other options. However, acupuncture is a kind of ancient Chinese medicine that is been around for over two,500 years and throughout this time it's been used for back pain relief, increasingly so in these modern times.
While it is not historically an element of western medicine, nowadays your doctor is likely to send you for this treatment in the event you are suffering from back or neck pain either persistantly or due to accident or injury.
Although it cannot be proven that this works as a kind of pain relief, it is thought that as a result the central nervous process is stimulated. Most patients say that they receive a pins and needles sensation on the insertion of the needles and indeed in to the period of the treatment, which usually lasts about 15 to 30 minutes. Some people document that they feel energised or even relaxed so it appears as if the effect can be is different depending on the individual.
In the event you are going to have this therapy you may require to know a tiny about the way it works. The general belief is that the body has twenty energy flow patterns called meridians or pathways. Through these pathways it is thought that the life force or vital energy flows, this is named the qi (it is pronounced chee) and is thought about to be essential to maintain lovely health. There's over two,000 points on our bodies that connect with these pathways and it is at these points which the hair-thin needles are inserted, this is completed in varying specific combinations depending on the treatment necessary. These actions are believed to either correct the flow of qi or to reinforce it.
Although there's lots of medical specialists who think acupuncture is an effective way to treat sure conditions such as back pain, there is no true consensus. Some adhere to the theories of qi and meridians whilst others attribute acupunctures� benefits to the biological changes that are brought about in the body due to treatment. Needless to say there will always be the sceptics who deny that acupuncture has any effect at all, but in my view in the event you are suffering from ongoing back pain it is definitely worth trying.
The acupuncturist will use up to twenty metallic needles in the work of a treatment session and the depth they are inserted is dependent on the area, deeper muscular or fatty areas need more penetration and the scalp for example would be below the surface. The practitioner may turn the needles way or another depending on what they are trying to accomplish, in my personal experience they were turned on insertion, then again about half way through the treatment. At no point is the treatment painful, there is a mere sensation of the needles going in and they do not feel sharp at all, this is because unlike needles used for injections, an acupuncture needle�s tip come to a smooth point without sharp edges. They are also narrow, about twenty times thinner than a hypodermic needle. In my experience the most troublesome part of the treatment is lying in the same position without moving for up to 30 minutes, in the event you suffer from back pain or similar.