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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Brain, Main Centre of Human Intelligence

       One organ that makes us so fascinated is the human brain. A small organ that weighs only 1.5 kg this is the most central organ of the human. With this small organ people can think, feel, see, speak, and create. The brain is the most complex organ structure and art are capable of storing thousands of brilliant ideas that have not functioned optimally.

      Many assumptions which give a magnitude of the brain. Some call it a "piece of very complex machinery  in the universe, the world's largest untapped, biologically the most advanced supercomputers, the sleeping giant, as well as an amazing loom" is showing many expressions of admiration for many of the brain's infinite awesomeness , and until now have not been revealed in the final mystery in them, the brain will always progress and development that will transform a civilization of mankind.

       The brain is a very complex structure, scientists, explorers, world leaders and even those who won the nobel though, and the people - the best in every aspect of life just a few of the many proper functioning of cells present in their brains. the brain is the most complicated jungle to explore a whole, because it's so thick structures - structures that exist therein. One professor from Stanford University, has said that in fact, the more likely the relationship (connection) in the human brain than atoms throughout this universe. Thus, the human brain contains a very powerful potential that sometimes not yet fully realized , so it was excavated to its full potential.

       It has been estimated by scientists that in the human brain there are about 100,000 million neurons, the number is more than 10 times the human population in this world, but it has also calculated that there are about 1,000,000,000,000,000 (one quadrillion, or one thousand trillion) a connection between neurons - neurons that. And our ability to learn, remember, analyze, think, and all things related to our behavior is the result of the way neurons are connected with each other, when the relationship or linkage between neurons and friction with each other more and more, then will provide more intelligence effects.  

      Core brain power is not on the number of neuran but rather on the many relationships between cells in the brain. Tony Buzan has said that each consisted of a trillion brain cells. each cell is like a small octopus is quite complex. He has a center with many branches, each branch has a lot of connections. Each - each cell are interconnected and exchange information with tens of thousands or hundreds of other cells. Connections between cells with one cell to another will lead to new knowledge.

we can imagine what if every cell of the 100 billion neurons can generate 20 000 branches (dendrites), and eraser in combination with branch branch - the branch of another neuron, so every second of our brain will always produce something new and can save thousands of information. If every second of our brains work is able to generate new creativity and save thousands of information, it is inconceivable how the newly generated creativity as well as information that can be stored in a matter of hours, days, and years. Many discoveries that will be generated if only our brains really - really functioned optimally.

  Source : Muhammad Musrofi , melejitkan potensi otak ( Yogyakarta : insan mahdani , 2008 ) , Hlm V